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Project Mvsea is the executive arm of the Mvsea Manifesto, in alignment with which it develops a holistic ingenuity of creativity, digital museology, and art commerce as a global totality on the internet, open to participation and the convergence of knowledge, known as the Mvsea System. It encompasses various aspects for its implementation, among which the following stand out:

1. Technological advancements and the internet for global dissemination.
2. Social media as a contemporary form of communication.


The purpose in Mvsea is to align individuals with their innate sense of excellence and aesthetics, guided by ecumenical principles that unite the creative factor of the universe with life and the creative faculty of beings. Mvsea envisions, in the instinct for creativity and excellence, the transfer of the perfection and beauty of the cosmos and the individual to a work of “art.”



Mvsea’s promise fulfills the need in creators to have an autonomous platform to express excellence and art, record and preserve their works, where they can share their creations, exhibit them in a digital museum setting, interact with experts and collectors, and commercialize them within an environment of security, trust, and comfort, akin to any home.


UNIVERSALITY: We promote the participation of all individuals and all knowledge in the pursuit of excellence, art, and digital museology in a global interactive environment.

EXCELLENCE: The Mvsea brand embodies the perfection and beauty of creative excellence as the raison d’être of art.

PHILANTHROPY: We seek to benefit individuals through art in a selfless manner.

EQUITY: All individuals enjoy equal conditions and opportunities to express excellence and art through the digital museology that Mvsea inaugurates.

RESPECT: Mvsea honors the economic, political, religious, and social status of individuals as the unique reality of each person.


The origins of Mvsea date back to 1995 when, inspired to create an art museum in Acarigua, the town where we grew up in Venezuela, we faced the fact that we did not have our own collection to support this initiative, nor did we have the budget required to purchase artworks. After researching, I realized that similar initiatives around the world also faced this challenge, highlighting a cultural model that operates separately from the needs of artists. Determined to overcome this difficulty, I set out to contact various artist friends with the intention of delving into their artistic work and inviting them as residents of the emerging institution. This would support their talents, and artworks on loan from them would gradually shape the necessary museum content. The museum would thus become the home of living authors, with a self-sufficient collection.

With the stage set, I focused on refining this vision, which would lead to a passionate investigation into the purpose of art and its universal meaning related to the individual, as well as the state of creators, museums, and cultural institutions inherited since the 16th century. This culminated in the guidelines of the project called “Mvsea,” whose scrutiny and guidance were captured in the publications titled “Mvsea Manifesto” and “Mvsea, notes for a universal dynamic of art and museology.” In this document, the foundations for the creation of an integrated system of art production and exhibition in software serving individuals, knowledge, museums, and institutions on the internet are presented, representing the ecumenical vision of the project. Additionally, in support of this cause, the Mvsea Foundation was established in 2001 as the body responsible for overseeing the integrity and development of the Mvsea Project, and in 2021, the Mvsea Corporation was created as its executing entity.

In conclusion, it is important to note the etymological origin of the word “mvsea,” which is the Latin plural of the word “museum.” While traditionally the concept of a museum has been associated with a masculine, paternal connotation, I have chosen to imagine its feminine interpretation to recreate a holistic meaning of the term in contemporary times. Therefore, Mvsea is the mother of a new era that signifies the evolution from the local stage of art and museum exhibition to the universal stage, where all individuals and all forms of knowledge participate and enjoy equally.




The MVSEA System defines the implementation of the MVSEA Project on the internet as software shaped at www.mvsea.org. It serves as a platform for the development of the artistic instinct within various fields of knowledge and the flourishing of the museological organ unique to the whole, where the enjoyment of art constitutes a free experience. It is the software platform of the MVSEA Project that contains the principles expressed in the MVSEA Manifesto for the formation of a holistic art system that generates its own content, museum exhibition, and commercialization, accessible globally to any individual or entity on the internet. It allows creators, specialists, and collectors from all fields of knowledge to interact, as well as museums, galleries, and other cultural and commercial institutions, in a co-participatory environment that does not distinguish cultures, geographies, or fields of knowledge, fostering the flourishing of art as an indigenous entity and the development of the digital museological organ unique to the complex, MVSEA, as a synthetic expression of all the activities that take place within it.


The MVSEA Project restructures the inherited state of art as a systemic entity with a universal character accessible to all individuals and forms of knowledge. This systemic entity focuses its activities on the creative potential inherent in living beings and their natural inclination toward excellence. It also emphasizes the participation of specialists, collectors, as well as museums and other societal institutions for the holistic development of creative excellence or “art” in contemporary times. This ecumenical totality is known as the MVSEA SYSTEM and encompasses a digital museum monitor of art, freely accessible for enjoyment and commerce, called MVSEA. The system operates as a social network, giving the entire ensemble the generic appellation of “Mvsea.”


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MVSEA is the digital museological organ specific to the MVSEA System, designed for the enjoyment of creative excellence and its beauty in any field of knowledge. MVSEA defines a self-sustaining digital museum entity, composed of works generated by artists participating in the complex from various branches of knowledge, placing the traditional notion of an art museum in the universal realm. In the feeling of beauty that naturally accompanies the perfection of a work, MVSEA uncovers the cause that reveals the artistic act beyond pre-established academic considerations, allowing the enjoyment of creative excellence to reach all individuals equally.


Autonomy: MVSEA continuously generates its own content as a result of vital integration with the artist’s creative activity.

Plurality: It showcases creative excellence for the enjoyment of beauty in any field of knowledge, free from pre-established academic restrictions of the past.

Enjoyment: MVSEA is an open session for universal art enjoyment without economic cost to the visitor, inviting the global citizenry to use and enjoy it freely as a pertinent right of being.

Heritage: Free from the traditional notion of collection and hoarding of works, MVSEA’s exhibition contents are encompassed in the MVSEA Heritage catalog, whose ecumenical spirit relevant to life is the heritage of the individual, not the ownership of the included elements, which belong to collectors.

New Significance for Art Exhibition: It is the museological organ of the network whose exhibition adaptation to the technological field offers infinite possibilities for display in the digital world, known as Digital Museology.

New Significance for Artwork: It develops telematic summaries of each work subscribed within it as metaverses. These digital elements are called “Expressions” and playfully connect us to the essence of art through the information and interaction inherent to the telematic medium.

Commerce: Items published on MVSEA are bought and sold continuously through online auctions via the Art Exchange, without altering the definitive exhibition status of what is shown there.

Co-participation: MVSEA collaborates with museums associated with the system by lending works to boost their exhibition development in their respective spaces. It also collaborates with cultural and educational entities in support of educating the public subscribed to the complex.

Projects: It collaborates with commercial enterprises in society for the development of projects that return art to the community as ventures, thereby completing the cycle of art by returning its vitality to individuals and life.


  • Within the framework of technological advancements and the internet, the traditional notion of museums and museology is not immune to the impacts generated by these progressions and must evolve toward new frontiers, in accordance with renewed models of approaching and recognizing the world and art.
  • This digital shift aligns with the communicative expectations of an audience with unprecedented technical needs, whose perspective on the appreciation and passive enjoyment of art has been evolving.
  • The geometry outlined in the MVSEA Manifesto envisions a new arrangement for museology and conventional art appreciation.
  • The transfer of open dialogue between natural and artificial languages to a complementary dimension fosters the evolution of creative activity and the museological mode as an integral unit of production and exhibition.
  • The transition of spatiality for the exhibition of art in the telematic medium embraces the living creator and their work as a totality of artistic incubation, generating its own content without spatial-temporal restrictions.


  • Based on the celestial premises of this document and the power of interaction and communication in the telematic medium, the MVSEA Manifesto presents a novel museological concept for the digital appreciation and enjoyment of art on the internet called MVSEA.
  • MVSEA is the beating heart and digital museological session of the MVSEA System. It represents the feminine interpretation of a museum, indicating the evolution from the traditional art exhibition model to the universal realm.
  • Its primary attribute is the continuous growth of its exhibition content, as it is a museological organ that generates its own values, radiating from various fields of knowledge to any individual equally.
  • In the construction of social virtue, MVSEA integrates the living artist and their work as a joint creation and exhibition organ. This promotes an integral dynamic of art and artist, where individuals, knowledge, and works from different spheres of understanding participate in the flourishing of creative excellence and its enjoyment.
  • Freed from the notion of collecting and hoarding works for placement and operation, it records its artistic assets in the receiving component of generated works called the MVSEA Heritage.
  • All elements published on MVSEA are bought and sold continuously through online auctions via the commercial component of the system called the Art Exchange and its respective currency, the MVSEA Token.
  • MVSEA collaborates with associated museums by lending works to boost the regular exhibition activities of emerging institutions in this field. It also collaborates with commercial enterprises to develop projects that return the ethical significance of art to individuals and society in terms of use. This completes the art cycle.
  • MVSEA is both a verb and an action. It is a receptive mother, an end, and also a means of art.




The MVSEA Manifesto is the document that supports the development of the MVSEA Project at www.mvsea.org. It declares the establishment of a universal state of art and the creation of an autonomous and independent territory for it on the internet. In this territory, every person is a citizen of excellence and art, known as the MVSEA SYSTEM, and its main attributes are:

INCLUSION: All individuals are welcome to participate in the universal art system due to their inherent artistic nature, without cultural, religious, political, economic, or social distinctions.

PLURALITY: The convergence of all forms of knowledge in the universal dynamics of art, as the perfection and beauty inherent in excellence and art underlie every discipline of knowledge.

GLOBALITY: The global projection of the system across the entire planet, with simultaneous interaction and co-participation of participants in the universal dynamics of art without spatial or temporal restrictions.

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